Om Made by Åsa
Stort Set, 6 st med Servetter och omtag
Stort set 6 st med 6 st servetter.
Litet Set 4 st med Servetter
Stort Set 6 st med Servetter
Mostly 6 without napkins.
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. Green, Small leaves
Small set of 4 with napkins. Large leaves, brown.
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. Large leaves, brown.
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. Hearts in a row.
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. Christmas rose
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. Two Hearts
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. Provence
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. Sky blue
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. Blue Stripe
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. The valleys
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. Karin
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. The moose
Mostly 6 pcs with napkins. Pink Garden